Planning For Care Testimonials
Thousands of Nurses and Carers throughout the world are using and benefiting from the Nursing Care Plans and assessment tools. This is leading to improved, higher standards of care which everyone should strive for.
The Royal College of Nursing believes nurses are burdened with too much paperwork and targets.
“We were so impressed with the excellent standard of the free sample Care Plans we did not hesitate to buy the annual licence. This has been a tremendous help to us in improving all our documentation.”
” I think your website looks great. Undoubtedly all residents deserve to have the best when it comes to care and care plans. Looks like your organization is working to make that a reality!”
“The Care Management Solution has everything to help Care Homes achieve CQC compliance, thank you.”
“The Care Plans are so easy for all staff to understand and personalise. There has been a real improvement in the standard of our paperwork.”
“My managers and the CQC absolutely love your Care Plans, my group of Care Homes has been using the management system for over a year now and are delighted to be renewing our licence. It has improved our systems and our overall Care Planning dramatically. Thank you!”
“Unfortunately the CQC has given my home a bad report, and DCC have stopped any further admissions, until such a date that we can provide evidence and an action plan, and prove that we are making every effort to comply with the new care standards.
Despite every effort, no-one is prepared to state what is required in care plans to meet these standards, but your care plans have given me a new insight into how CQC may be judging nursing homes, in general I find them very informative with a fresh approach which can be of great use in my home.”
“I am absolutely delighted I found your website. The vast range of documents covers everything I need and I love the Nursing Care Plans! I really like that they highlight areas where the health condition might become an emergency and they help ensure the safety of all my clients. I can’t believe how helpful Planning for Care has been.”
“I am so pleased with the Nursing Care Plans, they are very detailed and informative. Planning For Care is the easiest website to use by far as you can access the plans instantly. With other websites I have had to wait 4/5 days to receive them.”
“After 38 years service in nursing I retired, however, I have since returned to nursing in a Care Home. I purchased the Nursing Care Plans to help me with my residents. I have found them so helpful, comprehensive and easy to use. They provide a step by step guide to delivering excellent care.”
“I have found the Care Plans extremely useful as they give the staff pointers in what to write, they can then save them on the PC and when reviewing and replacing they haven’t got to write the whole thing out again…..for me as an auditor I also do not have to struggle to read someone’s writing. A fantastic product!”
“I am really delighted with the Care Plans, once you have read them thoroughly they are very easy to use and you get them instantly. We use them for all patients issues and for rehabilitation.”
“The Nursing Care Plans purchased specific to problems identified eg diabetes, pain etc are great really very good and will save much valuable time writing individual problem pages. The life story is very detailed and may be difficult to complete in the ideal world where there are no family and staff find it difficult to obtain a full history but they give an excellent resume of the patients life and give all staff a real idea of who that person was and is today.”
“The Nursing Care Plan templates and assessment tools are excellent, they cover all issues a resident or patient may have and in a very practical way help nurses and carers to plan, monitor, deliver and evaluate excellent care to their patients. They would be an excellent help to student nurses to guide them and teach them about individual conditions. Nurses are overwhelmed with paperwork, these Nursing Care Plans really provide a practical help to ensure every detail is documented.”
“The Planning for Care Nursing management system has really helped my service, it is simple, easy to use and ensures all nurses and carers are creating detailed nursing care plans for each resident. I was constantly being told by the Care Inspectorate that the Care Plans in my service were not person centred enough, well they are now, thanks to Planning for Care. With the paperwork up to standard, my nurses can get on with delivering the care to the residents.”
“Over the last year we have been using the Planning for Care Management Solution. The nursing care plans and assessment tools have been invaluable to us – not only in saving us time but helping us feel confident we have clear and compliant records. The care plan management solution is by far and away the best we have ever used.”
Scottish Care National Awards Winner
Care Home Business Development November 2010
Scottish Care National Awards Winner
Single Care Home Operator November 2009
Scottish Care National Awards Winner
Multiple Care Home Operator November 2007
Scottish Care National Awards Winner
Care Home Operator 2-6 Homes November 2006
Scottish Care National Awards Winner
Care Entrepreneur of the Year November 2005
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Business of the Year September 2004